Banking details

Your donation counts

Every donation, big or small, to Victory4All gives children from the informal settlements of Jeffreys Bay and Humansdorp the opportunity for a good education and with that the possibility of a future without poverty.

Victory4All is a registered NGO/NPO (Non Governmental/Non Profit Organisation) in The United States of America, South Africa and the Netherlands. View the documents.

United States

Victory4All US INC.
Registration number: 81-4154768
Victory4All US INC is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States.

Donations are possible via our PayPal account: click to donate

South Africa

‘Victory4All’ Foundation Trust
Trust Registration number: IT 971/2005
PBO Registration number: 930 017 855
NPO Registration number: 091-639-NPO

Banking details

ABSA Bank Jeffrey’s Bay
Account name: Victory4All Foundation Trust
Account number:
Branch code: 632 005
Swift code: ABSAZAJJ


Moore Stephens Chartered Accountants
P.O. Box 1635
Jeffreys-Bay 6330, South Africa
Telephone number: +27 (0) 42 293 4010


Stichting Victory4All
RSIN number: 814872554
Application Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel): 24332260

Banking details

Rabobank Groot-Ammers
IBAN: NL72RABO0361852991


WEA Accountants
Wilgenweg 8D
2964 AM Groot-Ammers, The Netherlands
Telephone number: +31 (0) 184 – 602897
