Rainbow Angels is a group of children with multiple disabilities, such as CP (cerebral palsy), often caused by oxygen deprivation during birth or (neglected) meningitis. As a result, the children may experience spasms, deformities, and/or speech problems. In addition, we care for children with muscular diseases, spina bifida (open spine), or other syndromes.
The specialized guidance and personalized aids at Rainbow Angels focus primarily on communication, motor skills, and learning through playing. Each child is challenged at their own level. Throughout the day activities may include ball games, Bible stories and massages. Standing tables and walkers are used to stimulate walking and to strengthen muscles.
Moreover, it is a pleasant, cheerful and safe environment with a strong emphasis on creativity through crafts, music activities, (wheelchair) dancing, storytelling and enacting Bible stories, and role-playing. It’s wonderful to see them make progress, even if it’s in small steps. Significant attention is also given to supporting family members, helping them navigate the search for specialized assistance and medical care, and obtaining necessary aids.