
Your prayer makes a huge difference

Prayer and worship are what make up the engine that drives everything we do. We consider our work as a form of worship towards our Heavenly Father. He is moved by the need we see around us. We always seek first His Kingdom before we proceed with anything. We trust in His promise that ‘all things we need will be added to us’ (Matthew 6:33), in His time and in His way.

Please pray with us

  • For the children, that they will learn to follow their Heavenly Father and know that He wants to give them a good future.
  • For the staff, that they will keep on realizing the importance of their work and they will receive the strength to do it well and with love.
  • For the volunteers, that they will not lose their enthusiasm and joy in serving the team and they will be blessed in their work.
  • For finances, that we will experience an abundance of blessings so the projects will be successful and may expand in helping more children and their families.