NPO documents

We are a registered NGO/NPO

Victory4All is a registrered Non Governmental/Non for Profit organisation in The United States, South Africa and the Netherlands.

The United States of America

Victory4All US INC.
Registration number: 81-4154768
Victory4All US INC is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States.

South Africa

The Victory4All Foundation Trust
Trust Registration number: IT 971/2005
PBO Registration number: 930 017 855
NPO Registration number: 091-639-NPO

The Netherlands

RSIN number: 814872554
Application Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel): 24332260

Victory4All has an ANBI status. That means that your donations in the Netherlands are tax deductible. More information on the website of the Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst).


Financial Statements

Victory4All Foundation Trust (South Africa):

Stichting Victory4All (The Netherlands):
