September 2023
When it becomes unsafe and unhealthy in a home, it’s sometimes necessary to remove a child from those circumstances. We are proud and grateful that we’ve been able to create safe homes for traumatized and neglected children in Victory4All’s eight foster homes in Jeffrey’s Bay and Humansdorp. Each house has a loving foster mother (and sometimes also a foster father), who can each take in six children. The warmth, safety and love of a foster home is usually the total opposite of what the kids are used to. Some of their stories are so heartbreaking; the effects of poverty, abuse, violence and neglect are terrible. Thankfully, our foster homes offer a way out of these unhealthy and unsafe environments, which creates new hope for a better future!

One can imagine that the foster parents have a tough job: creating a warm and safe home for children that have learnt to distrust everyone and everything because of what they went through. We’re so proud of these amazing people! Fortunately, we also have six relief moms. These bonus moms take over two weekends a month, when the foster mothers visit their own families or have a holiday.
Two social workers also support and coach the foster parents daily. The government approaches our social workers when there is a child that needs to be taken in. If we have room for one more, they take on the responsibility for the lawsuits and process to get this new child into our homes. The social workers also train the mothers, support them in the upbringing of the children, interview new foster parents and help wherever it’s needed.

In this beautiful video, Raydene, one of our former foster children, talks about the impact of growing up in a loving environment. Raydene and her brother had experienced such traumatic things at a young age, that their situation was hopeless. Being taken into one of the foster homes radically changed the trajectory of their lives. She says “I don’t know where I would have been, if it wasn’t for Victory4All”.