June 2022
What it’s like in South Africa
What’s so inspiring about visiting any Victory4All school or location, is that you’ll always be greeted by happy and friendly faces. You wouldn’t expect this joyfulness, considering the poor circumstances these children come from. It’s wonderful to see those beautiful smiles again and again, especially now that the covid-restrictions continue to be lifted and many things are going back to normal.

Big Walk for Education
On Saturday the 11th of June, the third annual sponsor event was held in The Netherlands. Many walked or cycled a great distance to raise money for the preparation of the seventh foster home in Jeffrey’s Bay. All together they raised more than €30.000 (about R505.000 or $31.500)! The renovations will begin in July, so that six more children can soon be added to our foster care programme.

The King’s College Grade 4 to 8 students also joined in and walked a distance of 5 kilometres over the beaches of Jeffrey’s Bay. The kids were extremely proud that they raised R22.000 (€1.350 or $1.375) for the school’s sports equipment with their own “Big Walk for Education”.

King’s College Building Progress
Achter King’s College wordt een grote nieuwe schoolzaal gebouwd. De ruwbouw is vrijwel helemaal afgerond en de komende periode zal in het teken staan van de verdere afbouw, bijvoorbeeld schilderen, de vloer leggen en de keuken- en geluidsapparatuur installeren.

School bus
It took some time, but thanks to many generous donations we were finally able to buy this amazing school bus! We’re happy to have this bus at our disposal, because transport has been quite a challenge, especially for all the school trips and sports events. Thanks so much for contributing!

Soete Swaan
Our very own stroopwafel (a sweet Dutch caramel waffle) bakery “Soete Swaan” is expanding. With a second production line up and running, nine young adults with learning disabilities can now bake and pack these delicacies. They do this under the watchful eye of Deidre, who is not only the production manager of this whole proces, but also like a mother to these youngsters. The goal this year is to make Soete Swaan self-sustainable, which is equal to baking and selling 24.000 stroopwafels per month!

We are looking for long term volunteer workers in South Africa and have the following vacancies:
- Maintenance (general) – for the upkeep of all our buildings.
- Gardener – for all the gardens around the schools and foster homes and our vegetable gardens.
Interested or questions? Please send an e-mail to info@victory4all.com
Interesse of vragen? Stuur dan een e-mailtje naar info@victory4all.com
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We are very thankful for everyone who helps us to make all these things possible!
Johan and Astrid and team