Newsletter 62 – January 2022

January 2022

Life in Jeffrey’s Bay and Humansdorp

Many horrible things have happened over the past months. Many people are suffering and that is not only because of corona. But…..hasn’t that always been the case? Many people’s lives are tough and it’s horrifying to having to experience this. We will never get used to this. And we don’t want to!  

We choose to look at the many good things that are going well and count our blessings. We are here to make a difference for as many children and youngsters as possible. We will continue to do this as long as we possibly can because that’s why Victory4All exists!

THANK YOU to everyone who helps us to make this possible, in whichever way!

A new school year

It’s buzzing with activities in all the buildings again now that the children are back after the summer holiday. The tension was tangible at Noah’s Ark pré-school as the new mini-people found their way around. At Rainbow School there were big smiles all around on the first day of school. And at Rainbow Skills Centre the youngsters picked up their hammers/knitting needles/trays etc. again. They are ready for everything the year is going to bring!

King’s College Primary

A few days before the school would be flooded with all the children, the ‘Grade R’ children and their parents were welcomed separately. They found their name tags on the tables and chairs with a nice treat on it and they could attend a dance class and a Physical Training lesson on the field. This was a huge succes. Especially for the parents, because they normally don’t see much of what is going on at school.

King’s College High

Our first High School class (Grade 8) has started this year! A gigantic leap of faith which we experienced as God’s timing. We started with a small group of very enthusiastic teenagers (turning 14 this year) and we are looking forward to seeing how this will develop. Space has been created for them in the King’s College building. New uniforms are worn by them so that they stand out and look different than the younger children. 

Thank you!

After voicing our concerns about the ‘financially challenging 2021’ we were greatly surprised with (extra) donations and new ‘sponsor-a-class’ program registrations. This helps us tremendously and makes us extremely thankful.

We wouldn’t have known how to start 2022 without this. We would most likely not have been able to continue with all of our staff. Now we are able to continue with renewed courage!

Grain of Wheat:

In the past year a partnership between the Swiss organisation ‘Grain of Wheat’ and Victory4All was formed. Next to financial support, there is also a collaboration in exchanging knowledge and experience in the area of helping children.


We are looking for long term volunteer workers in South Africa and have the following vacancies:

  • Maintenance (general) – for the upkeep of all our buildings.
  • Gardener – for all the gardens around the schools and foster homes and our vegetable gardens.

Interested or questions? Please send an e-mail to 

Watch our latest promo-video

We are very thankful for everyone who helps us to make this possible!

Johan and Astrid and team
